Pilot Services

An Airplane Is useless without a pilot

Whether you need a pilot to help ferry your new plane across the country, bring your plane home from it's annual, or you just ran out of time to pick your kids up from summer camp, we've got you covered. With an extensive history of flying Medivac, 135 Charter, and Part 91 for our management customers, a contract pilot to help make your mission a success is only a phone call away. 

For all 91 trips, we  will provide an approximate quote, update you if anything changes, and send you a single itemized invoice at the end of the trip that we provided service for.

Between the two of us, we have well over a thousand hours in the SF50, over three thousand hours in SR models, frequent international trips, several long distance ocean crossings, and no accidents. Safety is or number one priority, and our track record speaks for itself.